玻利维亚开发者Yasett Acurana获得第六次总奖学金


2016年5月31日- 10月21日, Toptal 推出了 STEM女性奖学金, a program designed to empower and support the next generation of female computer scientists, 软件工程师, and developers through a combination of financial support and mentorship.

今天,我们激动地宣布第六位奖学金得主, Yasett Gisela Acurana Flores, a Bolivian software developer who is currently pursuing her Master’s Degree in Information Technology at Universidad de Chile with the goal of becoming a Professor of Computer Science.

的活跃社区成员 Systers (a forum dedicated to women in tech created by Anita Borg in 1987) and a volunteer at the first ever Latinity, 一个由…组织的会议 计算机领域的拉丁裔, Yasett takes every chance she can to improve her engineering skills while mentoring other aspiring female engineers at the same time.

今年夏天, Yasett is collaborating with the Universidad de San Simon in Bolivia to put on the second edition of the Summer School of Languages and Applications, a program that offers workshops and panels to students interested in tech. Yasett will lead a course on object-oriented analysis and design and host panels that encourage more students to contribute to open source and come up with concrete solutions for closing the gender gap in tech.

Yasett的Toptal STEM女性奖学金申请

“Yasett, 给她奖学金的决定很容易做出,Toptal工程总监Anna-Chiara Bellini说, 谁领导评审委员会. “我们都对她申请的每一个细节感到惊讶, 从她的申请信中得到的好处, 哪一个内容广泛,写得好, 对她在电话采访中非常积极的态度. 如此年轻却如此多才多艺,亚赛特真是不可思议. 她已经参与了几个项目, 她表现出了出色的技能,以及强烈的决心和动力.”

对于她的应用程序的开源部分,Yasett贡献了 Eclipse基础代码推荐器 项目. 虽然她以前从未为开源做出过贡献, 她的选择很简单:“我一直在寻求回报, 因为我每天都使用Eclipse IDE软件, 我立刻意识到,我想首先帮助这个社区.”

Yasett的项目, 她能够清晰地表达自己的挑战和工作过程, 给评委们留下了深刻的印象. “她选择参与的这个项目绝对不是微不足道的. 她做出了有意义的重大贡献, 即使在处理几十年前的大型代码库时也是如此,贝里尼说。. “她也非常细致, 深思熟虑的, 她对这个项目的解释也很清楚, 这是她头脑清醒的证据吗, 这也表明她会成为一名优秀的导师和老师. She’s definitely on the right path, and we are looking forward to supporting her.”

作为奖学金获得者, 亚赛特将得到5美元,为她的教育和职业发展目标, as well as a year of weekly one-on-one dedicated mentorship with a senior software engineer from the Toptal network.

这笔奖学金将帮助亚赛特组织今年的暑期学校. She will use the funds to recruit other outstanding women in tech to participate in the program and make it possible for other aspiring engineers to take part for free. 反过来, leading her own course and being part of the organizing committee will allow Yasett to strengthen her own teaching skills and reach a broader audience.

“The mentorship part of the scholarship will help with my professional development, 既是工程师也是老师,亚赛特说. “我想学习如何最好地将知识传递给他人, because being a great engineer is only half the battle when it comes to becoming an amazing Professor of Computer Science.”


亚赛特的母亲是文学老师,父亲是会计, so she learned to be a self-starter when it comes to programming at a very young age. “Since I was a kid,” she said, “I always tried to figure out how things worked. When I was 5, I was really curious about how cars moved, so I built one with paper. 这就是让我走上科学和工程道路的原因.”

In 2014, 一群教授, 与圣西蒙大学合作, 前往科恰班巴, 作为第一所暑期学校的一部分, where they gave a series of presentations about the dearth of scientific research in Bolivia. Yasett signed up to be a volunteer for the Summer School in order to learn from them and better understand the state of technological innovation and research in her home country.

She learned that “Bolivia is more of a consumer than a creator of technology, and that the situation would only change if these professors –and more– collaborated, pulling together their knowledge regardless of university or the company they worked for in order to make Bolivia a leader in scientific research.” It was during that summer school program that Yasett knew she wanted to become a professor, and to return to Bolivia to bring more and more women into computer science.

“The hardest part of deciding to get my Master’s Degree was having to leave my country,亚赛特说, choosing the Universidad de Chile because it was the best option closest to home. “I had never lived without my parents and the cultural challenges were many, but I knew I had to go further my studies so I could strengthen my programming skills and give back more to my community.”

Yasett believes “being a programmer is like being a magician because you can bring things to life that only exist in your imagination.“有了奖学金, Yasett will be able to further her goals both as a software engineer and as a teacher.

Please join us in congratulating software developer Yasett Giselle on becoming the sixth winner of the STEM女性奖学金 program!

关于total STEM女性奖学金

Toptal STEM Scholarships for women are a series of 12 scholarships for women that are awarded monthly over a year, 瑞秋是第五个奖学金获得者. Women from across the world of any education level are eligible to apply to win $5,000 and a year of weekly one-on-one technical training and mentorship from a Toptal senior technologist to help them pursue their goals as future professional 软件工程师.

之前的奖学金获得者是 Rojina Bajracharya表示 从尼泊尔, 安娜Sustic 从斯洛文尼亚, 加芙曼奇尼 来自阿根廷, Tondi巴特勒 来自美国,以及 Rachell卡尔霍恩,同样来自美国.

To apply to Toptal Scholarships for Female 开发人员 and for more information about the program, 访问 http://8z.clqp888.com/scholarships.


成立于2010年, Toptal is one the fastest-growing and most innovative companies to emerge from Silicon Valley. 得到了安德森·霍洛维茨基金的支持, 硅谷著名的风险投资公司, 亚当·德安杰洛, Quora创始人, 瑞安洛克菲勒, 以及其他投资者, Toptal today connects thousands of elite freelance 软件工程师 and designers from around the world to over 2,000蓝筹股,如J.P. 摩根和辉瑞, Airbnb和Zendesk等科技公司, and numerous startups to provide world-class solutions that meet the most complex and challenging requirements. Toptal’s rapid growth is testimony to exploding client demand and the unmatched quality and reliability of the company’s services.


+1 (415) 308-8209

我们都对亚赛特申请的每一个细节感到惊讶, 从她的申请信中得到的好处, 哪一个内容广泛,写得好, 对她在面试中非常积极的态度. 亚赛特简直不可思议.

Toptal连接 排名前3% 世界各地的自由职业人才.
